Tuesday 28 July 2009


Having missed the Powys Enduro and not having ridden since the Welsh on Sunday July 26th we ventured up to Anchor Hill, Kerry near Newtown to have a go at an AMCA Sidecarcross Championship round. 
It was wet so I decided to leave the 525 enduro engine in for this one, thinking that we'd be able to get better traction with the smaller engine.
Practice was wet and the track wet and slippery but it went ok.
For race 1 the conditions were perfect. We got an ok start, about 7th and managed to work our way up to 3rd. The 525 was struggling on the big hills against the big Zabels and 650 Husabergs but was flying on the flatter part of the track. 
We held third for some 3 laps before Steve France came flying past us. Arm pump set in and we soon lost sight of the leading three. We finished 5th.  Well happy with that.
Race 2 and after another mediocre start we managed to work our way to the front. We didn't stay there long though but it was good while it lasted! Coming down the big hill and over the ski jumps the bike seemed to land with the brakes on. Coming up the big hill to the finish line, she was crabbing to the left and was losing power until we stopped before cresting the top. We had three more attempts with the same outcome each time. Freewheeling back down after the fourth attempt we noticed the problem. The Sidecar wheel had clogged up solid with mud and couldn't turn! Iwan hastily scooped the mud away and we got going again. No problem. We finished 7th which left us a bit disappointed really. But we cheered up a bit when we learnt that we had 4rth overall. Well happy with that.
Looking forward to the next one now at Shobdon in two weeks time.

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